Finding Certainty in Uncertainty

This past week has been rough.  New news daily, hourly.  New questions daily, hourly.  Job, health, relationships.  Uncertainty looms on every hour.  Decisions to be made and actions to be taken.  It can start to swirl and if I am not cautious I will be caught up into a vortex of anxiety, doubt and worry.

Then God reminds me to meditate on His Words alone, not the circumstances, not the lies, on His Word alone.

He promises that if I do I will be able to walk in obedience and He will provide success, strength, courage, and most importantly His Presence.  And at the same time He will cast out all fear, discouragement, failure and lack of peace (Josh 1:8-9).

He promises me that His peace will guard my heart, when instead of sliding down to the pit of anxiety, I instead chose to go to Him in prayer with thanksgiving pouring from my lips.  He promises that when I focus on His Words He will fill my mind with things that are true, lovely, pure, honorable,and right. (Phil 4:6-8).  

He reminds me that I cannot look at situations the same as those who do not know Him.  I do not fight in the same way because my weapons are of God.  He promises that with His divine power He fill me with His spirit to utterly destroy all strongholds in my life (2 Cor 10:3)

God reminds me that the battle is not against a disease, a person or a circumstance but against the rulers, powers, forces of this dark world, the spiritual forces of wickedness.  And that He has provided all that I need to endure every battle, all I need to do is chose to cloth myself with Christ.  I will let Christ cover me with His armor of Truth, Righteousness, Peace, Faith, Salvation, and the Word of God.  (Eph 6:10-17)

He will be my defender and bring justice in His way and His time.  It is not my role to vindicate myself because He is the author of Justice.  (Psalm 35:23)

He is wisdom.  He is might.  He is counsel.  He is understanding.  He is truth.  My life, my times are in His hands.  Only He can reveal mysteries from the darkness and bring darkness into light  (Job 12).

He is my Rock.  His promises hold true always, not dependent upon other people or my circumstances.  There is One who will always come to my rescue.  One who holds my past, present and future.   And so....

I will fall on my knees in worship of Him.  I will give all of who I am.  I will place all my life in the hands of God, who is merciful. I will cry out with all that is within me:  When I am faint, lead me to the Rock that is higher than I.  Lead me to my Refuge, my Tower of Strength, let me dwell in His tent and in the refuge of the shelter of His Wings. ( Psalm 61)  God, you alone, are my hope!  You give me life, purpose and destiny.  I will continually praise You.(psalm 71:5-6).  My hope is not in doctors, not in friends, not in family, not in employers, not in a political system, not in a nationality, not in my finances or possessions -  But in the unchangeable Rock of Jesus Christ.  I will proclaim it as long as I have breath in my lungs.  And so this is my cry: God in my life be lifted high, in our world be lifted high, in our love be lifted high.


  1. Yes, this is TRUTH. May you stay in His truth and peace during these times of uncertainty.


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