Friends who are family and family who are friends

Remember when we were little and at the end of an episode of Sesame Street they would say, "This show was brought to you by the letter.... and the number..."?

When we adopted Faith there was a huge outpouring of donations and love for our family.  But the support we have received this time around makes the last time just pale in comparison.  We have shared our hearts and our passion and what adoption means to us and you have in returned joined in standing with us.  One large family committed to giving one orphan a forever home.

Things are crazy and there is little time to just sit and think at the moment, but I am looking forward to pondering all of this on the plane ride to China.  I remember a few years ago reading about a town that was committed to adoption.  It was not that just many families where adopting children that hit me, it was the families who participated by babysitting, making food, and using their talents and skills to help doing things like building bunk beds. At the time I thought, wow that would be an incredible thing to experience.  And I can say now that it is.

One year ago God moved our hearts to adopt again.  One year ago we saw our daughter for the first time on our computer screen.  One year ago the love began to pour in from family, friends, and our community.

Now to give a realistic picture, it hasn't all been roses.  There have been some in our life who have decided that this journey is not for them, that they do not want to participate for a multitude of reasons - some of them understandable and some of them just painful.  We knew this little girl combined with our other 3 littles already at home was going to take all of our emotional energy for a season. So, we began to  pray for God to draw in close those who bring life and to remove those who are toxic.  He has done just that again and again.  

You have called.  You have emailed.  You have written countless cards and encouragement notes.  You have texted.  You have cooked.  You have laughed.  You have cried.  You have been a listening ear, even when I am being totally unreasonable.  You have given your time.  You have given your money. You have given your talents.  You have given your resources.  You have prayed.  You have asked.  You have supported.  You have been Jesus to us this past year.

This road is not something easy for me, but it is rich with experiencing the love of God.  It has come with sacrifice, it has come with doubts, it has come with fears.  But whenever I start to get off track or overwhelmed, someone has come alongside me to help carry the burden when it got too heavy.  You have shown us what love looks like.

When we arrive at the airport on the 27th, the journey is far from over.  In fact, much like getting married, it is only just the starting line.  If my heart starts to get anxious about the days ahead, I call to mind all the times this past year that God has shown up and provided beyond measure in our lives.  Many of these times have to do with one of you loving us.

So this adoption is brought to you by all of our friends who are family and our family who are our friends.

2 days to lift off.  3 days until our feet are in China.  9 days until I see my daughter.  20 days until we are back home united as a family of 6.


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