Waiting and Praying

Easter morning, the time of year when we are reminded that God's love story for us in one of redemption and love. As we wait and pray and fight for our daughter to come home, Kevin and I understand in a new way the love our Heavenly Father has for us. Long before we knew Him or chose to be part of His family, He was pursuing us...loving us...fighting for us. I think about our daughter this morning. She is alone, without her family and in desperate need of healing. She has no idea of how much this mommy and daddy love her and how we are daily fighting for her both in realms seen and unseen. She is the last picture in my mind when I close my eyes and the first thing on my heart before I even know I am awake. Her face wakes me in the middle of the night and stops me throughout my day causing my heart to call out God through prayer. I know that He loves her even more than I do and it is a comfort to know that He has her in His grip.

Kevin and I were trying to relate this stage of our adoption to our biological birth stories. Like for instance, when we first saw Faith's picture it was the same kind of emotion we both had at the sonograms of our boys. But what we are going through right now is not like anything we have experienced before. The only analogy we could come up with was this: It is like giving birth to a child and before you are able to hold them, the staff takes them away to another room. They tell you that your child has some very serious medical issues. You think, well lets get started then, lets run tests and begin treatments and above all else please let me hold my baby and let her know that I am here. And then the answer to all of these requests comes and the answer is, "wait". Excuse me, did you say, "Wait???". And so we wait and we try to live our "normal" life and we pray like crazy for God to move in the hearts of all those involved in making decisions for our daughter.

And God is moving that is for sure! We have an adoption agency advocating for our baby on a daily basis both in the US and in Ethiopia and some wonderful doctors here in the US who are ready to begin treatment as soon as we get off the plane. So keep praying!!! We need these two things:

Our US immigration paperwork (we had to get our paperwork updated to approve us to immigate a child with special needs into the US)

A court date in Ethiopia

We expect to have news on both items this week. Our baby needs to come home, please continue to pray.


  1. you know what just dawned on me

    its so neat how your and Kevins journey in getting faith is so similar to our Father in Heavens journey with us in woo'ing us to His heart. That before we knew him, he saw us, knit us, formed us and loved us. That we had no idea of this love He had for us. But He loved us. Just like you and Kevin love faith, she has no idea, she will one day soon.

    its all pretty amazing :-)
    and so neat that one day she will be able to read through your journal to see how much you love her and fought for her. Just like our father in heaven did the same for us.


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