Mapping it out

In our kitchen we have a laminated map of the world hanging on the wall. My oldest was looking at it for awhile and then asked me to show him again where our baby was. I pointed it out - "Ethiopia, is right here...the purple country" He proceeded to draw a picture of "our baby" on the map. "Tyler," he said,"this is where our baby is." "Now if you lived here (as he pointed to surrounding countries) you could just take a car to go there. But we live all the way over here, so we have to go on a plane." His mapping needed a little help directionally because he was plotting our home somewhere in Brazil, but he is definitly getting the big idea. He continued," So, this is how we will go there and this is how we will come back home." I love that now our map has our plane route mapped over the ocean from Virginia to Ethiopia. And I love even more how excited he is about finding our baby.


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