God is Bigger

The weatherman on the radio announced a storm was expected for the afternoon.  These words meant little to me but caused great alarm in the two little girls sitting behind me in the car.  These days I am often plus one little three year old girl.  The conversations between her and my youngest are priceless.  Today was no exception. 

I don't like storms.
I don't like storms too, too noisy. 
It's to loud.  But mommy says God is bigger so I not scared. 

My daughter is not just scared but often terrified of the storms.  The loud thunder and bright ligtening, the noise of the wind and the rain, it is all too much for her little two year old soul.  And everytime I remind her of this truth, God is bigger.  When we are scared, we can trust God because He is bigger than the storm.  

This particular day my own soul was in a knot.  I was overwhelmed with questions and decisions to be made.  God used my daughter's conversation to get my attention and whispered to my heart... do you have ears to hear? I AM BIGGER.  

Has anxiety gripped your heart?  Do you live in a state of worry?  Are you overwhelmed?  My nature is to be anxious and overcome by worry and stress.  If you are like me, I have some truth for you today that is going to bring freedom.  God is able to do more than you can ask or imagine.   He is bigger than your mistakes or failures. He is able to provide for you and to sustain you as you wait. He just asks for this one thing, you have to entrust yourself to Him.  I know, trusting God can be hard.  It means giving up your perceived control and often your expectations too.  Sometimes worry can be comforting, especially for those of us who always feel like we need to be doing something.  What am I doing about that situation?  Well, I don't know exactly, but I am worrying and that is something.  It can almost feel productive in some strange way.  However, the stress of anxiety on our bodies is so great and opens the door to illness both physically and spiritually.  God never intended for us to live in constant stress.  It wasn't His design for us. 

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. (Matthew 11)

He invites us to come.  To offer ourselves like a lump of clay to the potter's hand.  To be molded and shaped into a way that is useful for His purposes.  Trusting is not doing nothing.  It involves a daily act of your will and surrender.  It involves renewing your mind with God's Truths. It involves trusting God in every moment.  It involves living this truth.... God is Bigger.  


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