a year of photos and memories


2 months
1 month

It was all the wrong timing.  At least that is how it seemed in my mind.  We had not been home from China long enough.  Our hearts were open to the possibility of one more, but maybe in another year.  And then the long months of feeling so sick and desparately trying to still be mama to four.  But we grew that year.  The kids learned how to do things.  I learned that they were capable of more than I had previously expected.  They bonded together and stepped up to the challenge.  I had to step away from interests and events and even relationships.  The vaccum created a deep bond with my husband.  The way he stepped up to the challenge grew my admiration for him.  And we began to discover the wrong timing turned out to be perfectly right.

3 months 
4 months

We did not know if our baby was London or Luke.  Not until the moment my hands pulled her to my chest and the midwife said, "You call it."  Girl.  Beautiful, perfect baby girl.  I had feared the baby might be a girl.  I worried what that would do to my other daughters' hearts.  Yet in that very moment there was no fear, only love.  And as the days passed we discovered that a little girl was exactly what our family needed.  She is part of all of us.  She is everyone's baby.  Every member of our team witnessed the first moment until now.  She is a gift to every person in our home.

5 months

I felt her move early on.  From that moment the movements did not stop.  It was constant and growing in intensity.  So powerful and rhythmic at times that we wondered if she might be having seizure.  Her first five months of life she insisted that I bounce her vigorously to sleep and while awake she wanted to be held and moving.  She remains in constant motion.  Daring and adventureous.  Neverminding her small proportion in relation to all the people surrounding her.  You will find her right in the middle of the other four, wanting to be a part of the action.  She is determined and passionate and strong.....

6 months

8 months

and yet at the same time gentle in spirit and sensitive.  She does not like yelling or anger.  Her reaction to this behavior has caused all of us to have more self control.  I will never forget her first evening with us.  She lay in my lap at the hospital with eyes wide open.  Staring at Kevin and I and studying everything about us.

9 months

She is full of life and full of joy.  Her smile and her laugh are contagious.  Her presence in our home healed something in all of us.  I have truly enjoyed every single day of her life and I think all the other members of our team would say the same.  The fifth time around we don't stress as much about the details and just enjoy being together.  Her presence has made us better parents to our other four children and given us new perspective on what is important in life.

10 months 
11 months

We now have a year full of wonderful memories with London Jeanette.  And I know that the coming years will just add more to the story.  I look forward to seeing who God created her to be and the destiny that He has planned for her life.  Happy Birthday sweet baby girl.... you are loved so very, very much!

12 months

Happy 1st Birthday London Jeanette 



  1. She has been a wonderful gift to me, as well. It has been such a joy to bond with her. I love holding her, hearing her voice and seeing her smile. It has also been a joy to see how the other four kids truly love her. She really is their baby. And she is a gift from God.

  2. This is such a sweet and beautiful post Sonya! Happy 1st Birthday London!


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