sunny palace

Today we visited the Emperor's summer palace.  It is easy to see why
they would go here in the summer time.  Very beautiful, very peaceful.
 The beauty of the mountains and the lake, being surrounded by trees,
hearing the birds and bugs singing all add to the tranquil
environment.  And our experience was with thousands of people, the
calm would just be magnified if you were there all alone.  The Summer
Palace is made in the exact same way/style as the Forbidden City.  For
China has and is guided by rules that you do not change.

My favorite part of the day was watching seniors sing, dance and play
music together.  They can get into the park for free and so in the
mornings they park is filled with older people exercising, dancing,
singing and playing music.  We watch a group of women do Ball TaiJi.
This type of Tai Ji is where you have a ball on a racket and you must
keep it in balance as you  move.  It was very impressive to watch.  We
heard Chinese opera and listened to beautiful music.  A woman
radiating joy danced in the center of the musicians.  She was
captivatingly graceful.  I wondered if in her younger years she danced
on a stage for large crowds of people.  We saw all kinds of
instruments we had never seen before.  After getting hot hiking up to
a temple,  we colled off on a boat ride across to the lake enjoying
popscicles.  I think you oculd spend days at the park enjoying its

To get home we took the subway.  We have now experienced walking,
taxi, subway and bus in Beijing.  Kevin would love a chance to drive
here because he is crazy.  The roads can only be described as very
aggressive.  Peter told us that the bravest person wins.  After just a
short time we have learned how to cross the street.  The subway system
is very clean and well organized with things also written in English.
I loved my conversations with Peter today and hearing all about his
childhood and what it was like to live in Beijing during the cultural

After our return back to our hotel, Kevin and I again walked the city
for the rest of the day.  We waited out a rainstorm at a drink garden,
lingered at a bookstore and grocery, window shopped and enjoyed some
delicious McCafe.  Seriously, McDonalds in China is 100x better than
Mc Donald's in America.  Why is this??  We are having such a lovely
time together.  I am so thankful for these last few moments to bond
together before meeting Elie.  It is a huge gift from our Father.


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