the little girl

"We are not necessarily doubting that God will do the best for us;  we
are wondering how painful the best will turn out to be." ~ C.S.Lewis

Yesterday evening we once again walked the streets, went to some
different shops and tried to take in where we are staying.  There are
so many people everywhere.  Beijing has 10 million people who live
right in the city, 20 million who work here, plus all the tourist, it
is a very busy place.

But for a moment all the activity came to a dead stop at the sound of
a precious little girl screaming.  "Mama".   She looked about 3 years
old.  Her face bright red from the heat and the panic.  Her black hair
matting together from the sweat.  Her voice loud and shrill overcoming
the city noise around her.  She was screaming with every ounce of
power she had in that little body.  All alone and fearful.  Many
gathered around to help her and Kevin and I said a prayer in our own
hearts that she would soon find her mother.

It was a very disturbing sight to see a child in a state of complete
panic.  My heart quickly thought of my own little black haired girl
whose own world is about to be turned upside down.  At some level
there will be some kind of panic, some kind of fear, but also praying
there will be Peace.  Holding onto this truth today, "The Lord is
close to the broken hearted and saves those who are crushed in


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